Trump-Proofing Europe


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Arancha González Laya, Camille Grand, Katarzyna Pisarska, Nathalie Tocci, and Guntram Wolff | Foreign Affairs Magazine

Trump-Proofing Europe — How the Continent Can Prepare for American Abandonment (zuletzt aufgerufen am 12.2.2024, 17.27 Uhr)

„In short, it [Europe] needs to Trump-proof its future. The continent weathered four years of a Trump presidency. But a second four years will likely be much harder to sail through. …

Overall, Trump actively supported right-wing nationalists, populists, and anti-EU voices in Europe. As the EU heads into parliamentary elections in June 2024, there is a real risk that these emboldened forces will gain significant ground, shaping the EU’s future generation of leaders. Whether they do or not, Trump’s second candidacy is already encouraging nationalist figures such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. …

In practice, the United States is currently the only NATO ally that has a truly “full force” package. …

If he gets a second term, Trump may well seek to further weaken democratic institutions in the United States, including the Department of Justice, and foment general disdain for the rule of law. This would embolden populists and Euroskeptic parties. The first Trump presidency already taught Europeans how a U.S. president’s political support for populists can practically endanger European unity. …

All these goals require Europe to plan ahead because building defense capability takes time. Waiting to move until the U.S. election has been decided is not an option. The EU will not be able to quickly acquire the same skill in planning and commanding large-scale territorial defense operations that NATO has developed over 75 years.  …

Even if Trump does not win in November, Europe has work to do. It may simply no longer be able to rely on the United States to be a consistent partner, no matter who’s in charge. The United States is already making foreign policy moves without consulting Europe, especially in the economic sphere. …“

Lesenswerter Beitrag. Mit der Analyse stimme ich überein, allerdings glaube ich fest daran, dass es für alle Beteiligten besser wäre, wenn Europa nun nicht einen Alleingang versucht, sondern, ganz im Gegenteil, alles unternimmt, um die USA fester an Europa zu binden.

Gemeinsam sind wir stark! Europa oder die USA alleine werden in dieser Welt nicht bestehen können!

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