Buckeye greetings to one and all!


Beitragsfoto: Instagram Post | © The Ohio State Department of Athletics

TWO Ohio State football games have been played at home so far this season, so that means TWO marching band programs that I am showing you to add light to your dark day today – hahahaha.

The first performance, from Sept. 3, is not my favorite since it features jazz music (“Buckeye Jayy Café”) and seems to be repetitious of past performances, BUT at the tail end they do play “Carmen Ohio”, though not in honor of our Carmen.  Sorry!  This Carmen is considerably older, and is the university’s “Alma Mater”, sort of a national anthem at the univ. level.  All colleges / univ. / high schools in the States probably have one.  What IS new to this performance: it was at night, so there was a drone show, which picks up in this video at about minute 1:15 in the upper right-hand corner.  Enjoy!

The second halftime program was last Saturday and was dedicated to “Stadium Karaoke”.  See if you recognize any of the tunes.  Sorry the video is not any better, but there may be better versions to find.  Big addition: CHEERLEADERS!  Different marching bands have different traditions, some with a flag corps and such, and OSU’s never (to my recollection) had cheerleaders. Here they are:

Happy Monday one and all!


P. S.  Ursula Gries and I as fellow OSU fans are thrilled to mention that OSU won both of the games!

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Seitenaufrufe: 7 | Heute: 1 | Zählung seit 22.10.2023


  • Greetings and best wishes to the Buckeyey. I lived in Minneapolis for 1 year and I am still a Viking fan. They beat Green Bay on Sunday 23:7. Let’s keep going!