

Beitragsfoto: Ukrainische Flagge mit Soldaten | © Pixabay

Zwei ukrainische Föderalisten haben darum gebeten, diese beiden Berichte einschließlich der darin beinhalteten Bitten möglichst breit zu streuen. Dieser Bitte komme ich gerne nach.

Subject: Re: Solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues Dear friend! First of all, it’s an honour to know each and everyone of you. Thank you for your support and your messages. We appreciate it. The expected Russian blitzkrieg has failed. Yes, we are fighting but Ukrainian physicians are strong, motivated and prepared. And yes, we need some help. First of all, let all your friends and neighbours know what’s going on in Ukraine. It’s not a civil conflict as one might think – it’s an open Russian invasion. Speak, contact, protest, march in your cities. Second, please put this message on your FB and Insta:

“#Ukrainians ask to bring their forces to #Ukraine❗️At least to close the sky. To give shelter from the sky…” 

Third, Lviv is safe for now. But we are working non-stop to equip our medical troops all over the country. And yes, if you or your institution want to contribute in a large amounts, you can do it. Obviously, we need unlimited IFAKs and tactical responder bags (based on NATO standards). If you have some ideas, please contact me directly. But I’m happy to admit that as for 25.02 we have connections for medical humanitarian help almost in every country. Once we will receive medical support, we will distribute it all over Ukraine. There is no need to fundraise money for medical needs. If you want to donate – we have one centralised link to support The Armed Forces. 

You can use this link. Please check 2-3-5 times and trust official sources only. Finally, it’s always a good time for prayers. Thank you for your support!  It’s a huge privilege to fight on the bright side. It brings courage and strength.  As we all learned during our meeting in Lviv – Slava Ukraini! Heroiam Slava! You are wonderful! Sincerely yours, Olesya


Olesya Vynnyk, Date: ven. 25 févr. 2022 à 21:53

Und die zweite E-Mail ist besonders für Mediziner und medizinisches Personal von Interesse.

Subject: Re: Solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues Thank you for your moral support. Currently, we have three main needs: Means for stopping bleeding (bandages, hemostatic wipes, tourniquets (carprosphere, celox, combat gauze) the most important thing right now.

If only this you can send, it is good. First aid kit for civilian. Surgical kits. If you can help us with this, it will be the best non-military contribution to the defense of Ukraine against Russians and Belarusians. Blessings to your families and we wish you never to hide in the subway from missiles and not to hear explosions. Now our troops are fighting for Kyiv. Vadym Vus END

Вадим Вус, Date: ven. 25 févr. 2022 à 09:19

Zurzeit sieht es ganz danach aus, dass Deutschland noch das einzige europäische Land ist, das sich gegen weitere Zwangsmaßnahmen gegenüber dem Putin-Regime sperrt.

Und denken Sie bitte alle daran, wenn Putin wieder einmal gewinnt, dann sind als nächstes die Balten dran und kurz darauf auch wir!

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Seitenaufrufe: 6 | Heute: 1 | Zählung seit 22.10.2023
